Get ready to experience the #1 podcast specifically made for coaches! You’re going to hear out of the box conversations from the world’s leading coaches and experts on everything business, mindset, energy, health, happiness and just being the most awesome human you can! If you’re wanting it all in life - All the money, all the love, all the joy, all the success, then click subscribe and press play now! Let’s do this! Follow me on Instagram @luke_page

3 days ago
3 days ago
Content has evolved and has hit a new level of the standard in 2025 and the type of hooks you were using last year that were getting people’s attention are now causing viewers to just scroll on by.
In 2018 - Broad hooks like “how to lose weight in the next 30 days” were enough to grab people’s attention but not anymore.
In 2024 - Specific hooks like “Struggling to lose weight even though you’re working out 4 times a week? Here’s why” were enough to grab people’s attention but not anymore.
In 2025 - Specific hooks that create curiosity like “I bet I can change your mind in 20 seconds about why you’re struggling to lose weight even though you’re working out 4 times a week” are the type of hooks that are really grabbing attention.
In today’s episode of my podcast, I go over what you need to add into your hooks which will drastically improve the performance of your content.
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
This month has been a scattered month for me.
My wife who normally works part time has gone to working 7 days a week and 12 hour days because she works for the Australian Open which is a Tennis Tournament that runs for only 2 weeks every January.
So in January, I pretty much become the sole parent to our child Louie…on top of me running my business.
Great thing about my biz is I have the flexibility to do that however I’ve struggled this month not being able to put more time into my business.
And to be honest, it’s been a mind fuck!
It’s been great to have more time with my son, we’ve really bonded and I have been doing a decent job with showing up in my biz but I wish I could be doing more.
Anyway in today’s episode I chat about the juggle between growing a biz and family - Something I’ve always had problems with.
Plus I also share this hack to raising your standards, really has been working for me and I’m excited to share it with you.
Oh and I’ve also got a tip on how to uplevel anything in your life!
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Jan 13, 2025
Monday Jan 13, 2025
Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese and George Lucas are some of Hollywood’s greatest directors in the history of film and have directed films like:
Jurassic Park, Jaws, Star Wars, Wolf of Wall Street, Saving Private Ryan, E.T, Indiana Jones just to name a few.
This is all common knowledge but what most people don’t know about these 3 is they were close friends in the 1960’s and 70’s and before they were big and successful, they would meet up and learn from each other which they now attribute to one of the big reasons why they became super successful.
So what have these 3 Hollywood directors got to do with you growing your coaching business?
Well it’s the new year and right about now is the time where you’re probably feeling hopeful about the year ahead.
You’ve got big goals and are determined to make this year…your year!
Here’s the thing…Come December later this year, 99% of people who had great intentions back in Jan, won’t be saying 2025 was my year.
So in today’s episode I share the story behind Spielberg, Lucas and Scorsese of what they did before they were super successful to breakout and have their biggest years ever.
Simple copy the model they followed and come December later this year…You will be saying 2025 WAS MY YEAR!!
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Jan 06, 2025
My 2025 Content Predictions
Monday Jan 06, 2025
Monday Jan 06, 2025
This year is going to see a big shift in content creation and what works vs what no longer works.
You can’t move into 2025 just doing the same as what you did last year, just like content is evolving, you need to evolve with it.
In today’s episode I share my top 5 predictions around content, what’s going to be IN and what’s going to be OUT.
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
2024 is coming to an end, it’s been a long year and you’re ready to put it behind you and you’re looking forward to starting the new year with a new energy and a new version of you so you can make 2025 your best year yet!
(Insert record scratch)
NO! That’s not what is going to happen!
If you begin 2025 operating from that mindset, I PROMISE YOU 2025 WILL NOT BE YOUR YEAR simply because you’re starting the year with the same mindset you started 2024 with.
You’ve got to make changes and you’ve got to become aware of how you’re going to make those changes now and before you head into the new year.
In today’s episode I share:
- Why you need to cancel your new year’s resolution plans
- The top 10 questions you need to be asking yourself before creating your 2025 goals
- Why Instagram’s new Trial Reels feature should be banned and what to use instead
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Dec 09, 2024
Don't go Into Xmas Without Doing This
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Yesterday I found myself standing in front of a Xmas tree in a restaurant and I asked the person I was with if they enjoyed Xmas…
They replied with an answer which was along the lines of “Meh”
Now maybe something bad has happened to this person around Xmas that has left a sour taste in their mouth which I totally get.
The last 2 Xmas’s for me haven’t been the most joyous.
My dad passed on Xmas eve in 2022 and then a year after my nanna passed on Dec 18.
But I still love xmas, I love this time of the year, I love the energy it brings.
So I wanted to do a quick episode today that shares a fundamental element to happiness that is one of the reasons why Xmas is generally a nicer time of the year for people.
It’s something you have done in your life before but doing more of it, will bring more joy into your and other people’s life.
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Dec 02, 2024
My Unorthodox Method to Facing Fears + Experiencing Rapid Growth
Monday Dec 02, 2024
Monday Dec 02, 2024
The thing that stand between where we are now and our dream are our fears.
When we face our fears, we grow.
When we grow, we become the person we want to be.
When we come the person we want to be, we get what we want.
But you probably already know this right?
The knowledge of this isn’t uncommon, the execution is where most people have problems.
How do you step into your fear?
Where do you find the courage to face things you just struggle to push yourself to do?
In today’s episode I share my out of the box approach to facing fears. It’s a big hack that I’ve discovered.
Word of warning, it’s not for the faint hearted but if you’re committed to your success, the answer lies within this episode.
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Nov 25, 2024
Your Content Isn't The Problem, It's Your Offer!
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Do half the clients you attract tend to be the type of clients you aren’t super excited to work with?
You know, the type that complains, that drains your energy, that needs their hand held every step of the way, the ones who miss their payments…
And if you’re attracting these sorts of clients then you’re probably attracting bad quality leads too.
The type of leads that give you all the objections in the world - “I don’t have the money” or “Now’s not the right time”
And then that leaves you thinking “What’s wrong with my content?”
And you try and post more or post less or post more creatively, you know you try allllllll the things but still, things aren’t changing.
Well here’s the thing, it’s not actually your content that causes you these headaches…
It’s your offer!
In today’s episode I’m going to go over what you need to change in your offer that’ll make all the difference with your content, leads and clients.
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
So you’re posting consistently, you’re giving away great value but for some reason the leads are only trickling in???
If this is you then what’s happening is you’re posting content that attracts followers but not leads and clients.
You’ve most likely learnt a content strategy that was effective a couple of years ago on Instagram but not so much today.
Social media marketing changes all the time so you have to always be updating your approach.
In today’s episode, I share with you a new content strategy that you need to be following that’ll start bringing in alot more leads and alot more clients.
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.

Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
So you’ve launched your biz.
You’ve invested into a coach to learn all this marketing and sales stuff to help you get more clients.
You’ve got your first client.
You’ve got your first bunch of clients.
You’ve now got experience and know how to get your clients results.
You’ve got testimonials showing proof of this.
You’ve been posting and generally consistently.
You’ve now got a decent understanding of how this coaching business game works.
And you’re trying all the stuff!
No matter what you do / try, nothing really works!
So you’re stuck!
You sign clients but inconsistently and you’re ready to move to the next level.
In fact, you’re order due to move to the next level!
But you’re left scratching your head.
“Why do I keep attracting these type of clients?”
“Why do I keep attracting these leads that give me all these objections?”
Well, in today’s episode…I’ll tell you why and what is the missing piece that’s gonna change it all.
Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.
If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)
Instagram: @luke_page
HOW TO SIGN DREAM CLIENTS EVERY WEEK - FREE 30 minute video sharing the specific strategy you can use to sign dream clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business using Instagram, 1 offer and no cold DM’s.